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It is no question that we live in time where deforestation, habitat segmentation, and destruction of animal species is heart-breakingly increasing. VI Anthropocene Whisky and Golotta Bottling Co Pty Ltd endeavour to provide awareness and further efforts to support the Australian whisky industry, and animals that share this beautiful planet with us.

I personally believe that travelling and experiencing the world leads to happiness and an appreciation of everyone's differences. Getting out of our comfort zone and experiencing something (including whisky) and somewhere new is what we are born to do. Explore and share.

I am most passionate about 4 things; construction, photography, whisky, and animal conservation. By day, I am a construction project manager from Adelaide. In my spare time I am a novice photographer and volunteer guide at my local zoological park. My respite from everyday life is:

1. to pack my bags with a dram of The Balvenie 40yo, and travel to a new destination.

2. share fine whisky with friends and family whilst having a good chat. Carrying on the traditions from my earlier years with Dad and late Nonno.

As years passed, I have developed an enthusiastic passion for whisky by attending countless whisky tasting events and conferences across Australia, from competing in the Australia Malt Whisky Tasting Championships, by partaking in whisky networking, and investing in many distilleries around Australia. I am always willing to learn, teach, and expand my knowledge of whisky with anyone who is interested. I like to share my experiences with others, and relish in mixing both photography and whisky by attending events or tastings and capturing the moment at the same time.

As an avid whisky enthusiast, I enjoy monitoring barrel aging, tasting, and even the whisky blending process. VI - Anthropocene Single Malt Whisky was the next step in sharing and supporting the Australian Whisky Industry, all the while doing my part in supporting animal conservation charities/organisations in need.

Passionate about both animal conservation and whisky, I have decided to combine the two and develop a whisky product that people can sip, share stories over and enjoy with family and friends. I have decided to donate part of the proceeds to various animal conservation charities. #whiskyforgood

Whisky, to me, brings people together. And just like moments I shared with my father and late Nonno…whisky is a beverage that helps form new cherished memories.

VI – Anthropocene Single Malt Whisky - a whisky best served and enjoyed together. A whisky that will also play a part in supporting animal conservation.

I hope you enjoy what I have created for you, and thank you so very much for your support – Peter Golotta
